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Free-Response Questions: Annotated Solutions

The 2008 free-response questions are posted on The College Board's web site:

The x2008all.zip file contains complete Java classes for runnable projects with small test programs.

2008 AP* Computer Science A


In this question you have to use provided classes and find the smallest value in an ArrayList.

Solution and notes


In this question you have to manipulate strings and access their substrings.

Solution and notes


This question deals with the GridWorld case study.  You have to write two methods for a subclass of Critter.

Solution and notes


This question asks you to write two classes that implement a given interface and use them in a client class.

Solution and notes

2008 AP Computer Science AB


In this question you have to deal with java.util.HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>.

Solution and notes


In this question you have to write methods for a linked list made of ListNode nodes and compare the running time big-Oh for two different implementations.

Solution and notes


In this question you need to show your understanding of the Grid interface from the GridWorld case study, and work with java.util.Set<Object>.

Solution and notes


This question asks you to write a class that implements a given interface, and use this class and other similar classes in a client class.

Solution and notes

Copyright © 2008 by Skylight Publishing

* AP and the Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board,
which was not involved in the production of this web site.