Part (a)
// returns true if all nodes in this tree have correct parent links;
// otherwise returns false;
// each node should be the parent of its left and right children;
// the root node's parent should be null
private boolean verifyParentLinks()
return verifyParentLinksHelper(root, null); 1
private boolean verifyParentLinksHelper(TreeNode t, TreeNode parent)
return (t == null ||
(t.getParent() == parent &&
verifyParentLinksHelper(t.getLeft(), t) &&
verifyParentLinksHelper(t.getRight(), t)));
- This method needs a helper method, because the root of the
tree is different from the other nodes: its parent is
null .
Part (b)
// returns the node which is the successor of t in this tree;
// returns null if t contains the maximum value in this tree;
// the method runs in time O(h), where h is the height
// of the tree rooted at t 1
// precondition: t is a node in this tree;
// all nodes in this tree have correct parent links
private TreeNode successor(TreeNode t) 2
if (t == null)
return null; 3
TreeNode rightChild = t.getRight();
if (rightChild != null)
return minNode(rightChild);
TreeNode parent = t.getParent();
while (parent != null && parent.getRight() == t) 4
t = parent;
parent = t.getParent();
return parent;
- It was supposed to say "rooted at
root ".
To find the successor, we may need to go from t all the way up to root .
- You have to consider several situations in this algorithm.
The pictures of trees in the exam booklet should help you figure it out.
- This check is redundant since the precondition states
that t is a node in this tree.
- Or:
while (parent != null && ((Comparable)parent.getValue()).compareTo(t.getValue()) < 0)