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Free-Response Questions: Annotated Solutions

The 2007 free-response questions are posted on The College Board's web site:

The x2007all.zip file contains complete Java classes for runnable projects with small test programs.

2007 AP* Computer Science A


In this question you have to extract decimal digits from a number and create an array of ints.

Solution and notes


This question is based on the Marine Biology Simulation case study.  You are asked to create a new subclass of Fish and override its act method.

Solution and notes


This question asks for traversing an ArrayList and finding the maximum value in a list.

Solution and notes


This question asks you to write a declaration of a class RandomPlayer that extends a given class Player.  You need to supply a constructor and override Player's getNextMove method.  You also need to write the play method of the GameDriver class.

Solution and notes

2007 AP Computer Science AB


In this question you have to manipulate a 2-D array, to select random values from an ArrayList, and to reason about big-Oh of the suggested algorithms.

Solution and notes


In this question you have to handle a Map and a PriorityQueue.

Solution and notes


In this question you need to work with binary trees with TreeNode nodes.

Solution and notes


This question is based on the Marine Biology Simulation case study.  It asks you to complete and use an iterator class for traversing a bounded environment.

Solution and notes

Copyright © 2007 by Skylight Publishing

* AP and the Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board,
which was not involved in the production of this web site.